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MAR Apr 2001
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March 27, 2001 - OK, I'm a slacker of the highest order. You might have noticed (hell, if you're even still sticking around at all) that I stopped putting comics up for basically the entire month. This is mostly because I wasn't sure anybody was reading it, partly because college is kicking my ass and partly because I just lacked motivation. But now there are strips up for at least the next two weeks with more to come. If you would like to make sure that this hiatus does not occur again, please send me feedback! If you've been stopping by and you like it (or even if you hate it), please drop me an email and let me know. I thrive on feedback. All work and no feedback makes Susie a dull girl.  

February 1, 2001 - Today's the day my humble little comic makes its debut. Please, please, please let me know what you think of it!

Waiting for the End of the World is hosted by Keenspace, a fabulous place which gives free space to web cartoonists like me!